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Alkanooz – live and enjoy in modern design

At Alkanooz, we are committed to produce exclusive handicrafts where modernity meets traditional. Using the grandeur embellishment of Pakistani tradition along with the simplicity of contemporary craftsmanship, we are proud to serve our clients with unparalleled artistry. As Alkanooz continues to take on the global market, we challenge ourselves to create pieces that “speak” to our clientele. Our purpose is not only to serve our clientele, but to also encourage artisans from across Pakistan to manifest their work. Many artisans were staunched in the handicrafts industry due to a lack of resources and capital however, Alkanooz is devotedly working to revive a declining industry. Dedicated to provide employment for underprivileged craftsmen, Alkanooz provides a source of income for a number of underprivileged families while catering to our clientele.

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